Melanson,Melancon, Mellanson,Mellansons,Melansons,Melancons,The Melansons,The Melanson Story, Granger,Le Blanc,LeBlanc,Leblanc,Muis,Cormier,Landry, d'Entremont,Bourgeois,Bourg,Bourque,Boudrot,Boudreau,Dugas,Cormier,Priscilla,Pierre Laverdure,Pierre Melanson,Charles Melanson,Jean Laverdure,La Verdure,Laverdure,early Acadia,Acadia,Acadian,L'Acadie,Grand Pre,Port Royal,Scoudouc,New Brunswick,Nova Scotia,Menoudie,Minudie,acadian genealogy,scottish,newfoundland


This page will contain updates made to this section of the Gathering. Updates will include new site areas, features, data corrections and additions, new families, etc.

There will be a flurry of activity to this section in the coming weeks as I begin posting the many lines of my two main Scottish branches. Check back frequently to see the latest updates.

Jan. 3 /04: Page containing Data Sources uploaded and link added to the left navigation menu.
Jan. 2/04: 1. Page containing 2nd Generation of the Campbell-McIver Family (Children of John McIver and Helen Logan) added to the Gathering.
2. Page containing 3rd Generation of the Campbell-McIver Family (Angus Campbell alias McIver and Isabelle Young) added to the Gathering.
Dec. 31/03: 1. Page containing 4th Generation of the Campbell-McIver Family (Children of John Campbell and Anne Cameron) added to the Gathering.
2. Page containing 5th Generation of the Campbell-McIver Family (Children of Donald Campbell and Catherine MacLeod) added to the Gathering.
Dec. 31/03: 1. Page containing 3rd Generation of the Kemp Family (Children of Grigor/Gregor Kemp and Helen "Nellie" Matheson) added to the Gathering.
2. Page containing 4th Generation of the Kemp Family (Children of Kenneth Kemp and Mary Fowler) added to the Gathering.
3. Page containing 5th Generation of the Kemp Family (Children of Gregory Kemp and Christina Sutherland) added to the Gathering.
4. Page containing 5th Generation of the Kemp Family (Children of James Kemp and Catherine MacLean) added to the Gathering.
Dec. 30/03:

1. Page containing 2nd Generation of the MacDonald Family (Children of Roderick MacDonald and Anne MacLennan) added to the Gathering.
2. Page containing 5th Generation of the MacDonald Family (Children of Murdo "The Bird" MacDonald and Catherine "Katie" Campbell) added to the Gathering.
3. Data for direct Kemp line updated and revised.

Dec. 28/03: 1. Page containing 3rd Generation of the MacDonald Family (Children of Murdoch "Moorach a Ruadh" MacDonald and Helen "Elie" Beaton) added to the Gathering.
2. Page containing 4th Generation of the MacDonald Family (Children of Roderick MacDonald and Janet "Jessie" Finlayson") added to the Gathering.
Dec. 23/03: Data for direct MacDonald line updated and revised.

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