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The MacDonald Family

Father: Roderick MacDonald

Mother: Anne MacLennan

2nd Generation


1. Roderick MacDonald: Plasterer/Grieve; b. May 24, 1974, Dingwall, Scotland; d. bet. 1861-1871.

Married: June 15, 1831, Urquhart, Black Isle, Scotland to May Robertson: b. abt 1806, Scotland; d. ber. 1841-1851.

Children: Margaret, John, Ann and May.

2. William MacDonald: b. July 24, 1796, Ledchurch, Dingwall, Scotland.

Note: Marriage not yet confirmed.

3. Murdoch MacDonald: Farmer/Crofter; b.1798 in Dingwall, Scotland. d. Nov. 29, 1881, Balrailan, Urquhart & Logie Wester, Black Isle, Scotland.

Note:The title mentioned in quotations is in the Gaelic, meaning "Red Murdoch".

Married:  abt 1819, Kilmuir, Scotland to Helen "Ellie" Beaton (Bethune): (Alexander & May unknown) b. May 15, 1797, Dochcairn, Scotland; d. Apr. 6, 1886, Balrailan, Urquhart & Logie Wester, Black Isle, Scotland.

Children: Roderick, Alexander, Mary, Ann, William and May.

4. Christian MacDonald: b. Apr. 22, 1800, Dingwall, Scotland; d. bef 1841, Urquhart, Scotland.

Married: Mar. 23, 1822, Fodderty, Scotland to Alexander MacKenzie: Carpenter; b. abt 1800, Fodderty, Scotland.

Children: Simon, Alexander, Christian, James and Murdoch.


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