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The Byrne (2) Family

Father: James Byrne

Mother: Mary Ellen Dobbin

James married 2nd: Catherine Barret (nee Targate) 

Generation Three


1. Leo Byrne: (WWI Vet); b. Oct 24, 1896, Harricot, NFLD; d. abt 1935, Boston, Mass., USA

Married: abt 1925, NFLD, to Hilda Power: (sister to Marion below) b. Sept 1898, Regina, St. Mary's Bay, NFLD.

Child: Leo.

2. Sara Byrne: b. Feb 1898, Harricot, NFLD; d. abt 1980, St. John's, NFLD.

Married: abt 1920, St. Mary's Bay, NFLD, to Cassimer Doody: (1st cousin to Edmund-Edwin "Eddie" Doody, below) b. Mar 1897, Mosquito, St. Mary's Bay, NFLD; d. unknown.

Children: Still living.

3. Catherine "Kitty Eddie" Byrne: b. June 18, 1899, Harricot, NFLD; d. Jan 18, 1997, Brentwood, Long Island NY, USA.

Married: Dec 18, 1919, Colinet, St. Mary's Bay, NFLD, to Edmund-Edwin "Eddie" Isadore Doody: b. Dec 31, 1894, Colinet Island, St. Mary's Bay, NFLD; d. Apr 16, 1963, Brentwood, Long Island NY, USA.

Children: Still living.

4.Gerald Barret: (son of James' 2nd wife) b. Nov 23, 1897, Holyrood, NFLD. d. unknown. 

Married:  abt 1925, NFLD, to Marion Power: (sister to Hilda above) b. May 1899, Regina, St. Mary's Bay, NFLD.

Children: unknown.

5. Mary Ellen "Nellie" Byrne: b. April 21, 1900, Harricot, NFLD. d. abt 1969, Brooklyn, NY, USA (?).

Married: abt , 1925, Brooklyn, NY, USA, to Michael Walsh: b. abt 1895, NFLD;  d. abt 1973, Brooklyn, NY, USA (?).

Children: No Issue

Child from 2nd marriage:

6. Josephine Byrne: b. Oct 06. 1903, Harricot, NFLD; d. 2003, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Note: Is buried in Nova Scotia.

Married: abt 1930, NFLD, to James Verran: b. Sept 1893 (?), Placentia, Placentia Bay, NFLD.

Children: Still living.


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