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The Muis Family

Father: Philippe Mius d'Éntremont: b. Nov.14, 1601(?), Normandy (SW), France; d. bef 1700 (SW), Pobomcoup, Acadia.

Note: Moved to Acadia with family abt 1648, when Marie-Marguerite was about 1 year old (SW).

Mother: Madeleine Hélie: b. abt 1626 (SW), France; m. abt 1648 (SW), France; d. abt 1679 (SW), Pobomcoup, Acadia.

2nd Generation


1. Marie-Marguerite Mius d'Éntremont: b. abt 1649 (SW), France; d. abt 1700, Acadia.

Married: abt 1664 (SW), Port Royal, Acadia, to Pierre dit La Verdure Mellanson: (Pierre Laverdure & Priscilla) Tailor; b. abt 1632 (SW), England (SW/MBM); d. aft mid-1720 (SW/MCM), Grand Pré.

Children: Click on Pierre's name to view complete listing of children.

2. Jacques Mius de Pobomcoup: b. abt 1654 (SW), Acadia; d. abt 1736, Acadia.

Married: abt 1712 (SW), Acadia, to Anne de Saint-Étienne de LaTour: b. abt 1661 (SW), Acadia; d. aft Sept 15, 1738.

Children: Jacques, Philippe, Charles. Joseph, Marie, Jeanne, Marguerite Mius d'Éntremont (married Pierre Landry, son of Pierre Landry, son of René (the Older) Landry), Anne and Marie-Madeleine.

3. Abraham Mius de Pleinmarais: b. abt 1658 (SW), Acadia; d. abt 1704, Acadia.

Married: to Marguerite de Saint-Étienne de LaTour: b. abt 1658 (SW), Acadia; d. July 15, 1748, Port Royal, Nova Scotia.

Children: girl, Marguerite dite Pleinmarais, Charles, Marie, Madeleine, Abraham, boy, Anne and Marie-Josèphe (married René Landry, son of Pierre Landry, son of René (the Older) Landry).

4. Philippe Mius d'Azy: b. abt 1660 (SW), Acadia; d. unknown.

Married 1st: abt 1678 (SW), Acadia, to (unknown wife):

Note: All that seems to be known of this wife is that she was a Native (probably Mikmaq) and a common practice in cases like this was to simply leave the surname or whole name out of the records when the spouse was a Native (MCM).

Children: Jacques, Marie, Pierre dit Dasy, Madeleine dit d'Azy, Jean-Baptiste, Françoise, Francois, Philippe and Anne-Marie dite Nannette.

Married 2nd: Acadia, to Marie --------:

Note: This woman was also a Native (probably Mikmaq) and the same as applied to Philippe's 1st wife, concerning the records, would also have applied to her (MCM).

Children: Joseph dit d'Azy, Marie, Maurice, Matthieu and Françoise.

5. Madeleine Mius d'Éntremont: b. abt 1669 (SW), Acadia.

Note: Only record of this daughter is that she is listed in the 1686 Census as being 16 yrs old (MCM).

No further data available.



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