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The Melanson Family

Father: Pierre Laverdure

Mother: Priscilla --------

2nd Generation


1. Pierre dit La Verdure Mellanson: Tailor; b. abt 1632, England (SW/MBM); d. aft mid-1720 (SW), Grand Pre, Nova Scotia.

Married: abt 1664 (SW), Port Royal, Acadia, to Marie-Marguerite Mius d'Entremont: (Philippe & Madeleine Hélie) b. abt 1649 (SW), France; d. aft 1714, Grand Pré (SW).

Children: Philippe, Cécile, Pierre dit Pedro, Marie, Marguerite, Élisabeth, Jean, Magdeleine, Paul and Anne.

2. Charles dit La Ramée Mellanson: Farmer; b. abt 1642, England (SW/MBM); d. abt 1700, Port Royal, Acadia (SW). Note: Click on Charles' name to view my direct Melanson line.

Married: abt 1663 (SW), Port Royal, Acadia, to Marie Dugas: (Abraham & Marguerite-Louise Doucet) b. abt 1646, Port Royal, Acadia; d. July 7, 1737, Port Royal (Rg), Nova Scotia. B. Dec. 20, 1707 (Rg), Port Royal, Acadia.

Note: witnesses on Burial record (Annapolis Royal Rg) included sons Charles Melanson, Jean Melanson and Ambroise Melanson. Marie was recorded as about 91 years old at time of death and widow of the late Charles Melanson. Was buried July 8, 1737 (Rg).

Children: Marie (Mary), Marguerite, Anne, Cécile, Françoise, Isabelle, Charles, Magdeleine, Marie, Ambroise (twin), Pierre (twin), Claude, Jean dit Janne and Marguerite.

3. John Laverdure: Merchant/sailor; b. unknown, England (SW); d. aft. 1676 (MCM).

Married: no confirmed marriage.

Children: No confirmed/known issue.


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